Life is Beautiful

I have talked to several people recently who had nothing positive to say about their lives, their jobs, the economy, etc. Everything that came out of their mouths was negative. I felt like I didn’t want to be around those people anymore. Granted, there are some major things going on in the world that would cause anyone to be negative. But why be that way all the time?

I may be accused of being Pollyanna, but life is too short to be so negative. One friend’s daughter is despairing because she cannot afford a house close to where she works in a big city (this young lady is usually negative). One friend is despairing about the current White House occupant and his bizarre policies. It is way too easy to be negative about life, especially when things haven’t quite turned out as expected.

That’s when it’s time to step back and reassess. Are your expectations too high? Are you comparing yourself with someone else? Are you unwilling to work hard for what you want? Do you vote? What in your life can you change?

I have a 40 minute commute to work. I pass through some of the most beautiful scenery during that time. I am also privy to some of the most gorgeous sunrises I have ever seen. Yes, dipwads in overblown pickup trucks like to get on my tail. Yes, traffic sometimes moves slow in the fast lane. Yes, some days on the road are better than others. I could be very negative about the commute- how long it takes, etc. But I’m not. Life is too short. I appreciate and enjoy the beauty of the drive. I listen get to listen to music, pray and plan my day.

Life is also too short to moan and groan about what I cannot change or cannot change right now – the dude in the White House, for instance.  I vote and I encourage others to get out and do the same. Don’t be snowballed by Republicans or Democrats. Vote with an educated conscience.

Don’t whine – do something to affect change! Volunteer. Donate. Vote. Be kind. Be generous. Listen. Be courageous. Be encouraging. Be compassionate. Share. Laugh. Create. Life is too short for negativity! Life is beautiful! Life is an adventure! Live it! Stay tuned. . . .

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